Saturday, January 13, 2007

A tale of two cockies

">Link If you also visit my you'll know how much I love "cockies"/Sulphur-crested Cockatoos,
so when the following Link came to me via an Email,I just had to share............

This is a delightful story of a sulphur- crested cocky in Australia -- Amazing photos.

Don't forget to click on "Next Page" at the bottom of the page each time as there are several.

Click on the following link:

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Picture this.............

Today we drove down to Woody Point for an in depth look at what will be our new home come February10/12.
(For "in -depth" read "armed with tape measure & notebook" !)

On realizing that the kitchen did include a "you beaut" M/W oven,my comment was :
"My old M/W can go in the laundry......................."

Stunned expressions from current owner and the realtor.............
until I explained that I would be using laundry M/W for dyeing silk ribbons and fabrics in the laundry rather than in the kitchen.!!

Can't think outside the square can they!
Maybe I need tea bags & mugs in the broom cupboard VBG!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Move over Imelda

Every time I visit Nellie's Needles blog
and drool over her fabulous shoes,
I think of Catherine

when some twelve months ago when she was making embellished shoe bags for her daughter's teacher.

I have been fascinated as much by the research on the various shoe designers that Nellie writes of as I have been by the descriptions of HOW she fashioned them.

It reminds me of my own love affair with shoes when I was young and silly.

Thank you Nellie for stirring up memories of the Winter Balls I enjoyed in Western Australia back in the 1950s.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Showing a variety of Swingles made as mobile phone purses for various friends Posted by Picasa

December 13 revisited

Back in December I shared a pic of the Ring-tailed possum family about to play on our roof:
A short while ago,the birds were carrying on-----yet again!
This time their target was a young possum!

I don't know where Mum and the other young one are......hopefully hiding/snoozing in a nest of foliage.
This little guy is now snuggled into the canopy of the Mango tree, and
hopefully the birds will leave him alone to continue his snooze.

I'm beginning to think of renaming my blog "Hitchcock's Birds"........ Posted by Picasa

Lounge lizard

Yesterday the birds were making a great commotion in the backyard ,and being rather busy at the time I didn't check it out. Later,in the afternoon I was out the front,heard a rustling in the plants and saw Jesse chase "something "onto the front porch;I arrived in time to see a stripy tail slide between the glass doors and into the lounge room.........

This 18 inch Monitor lizard was inside and safe from cats/Jesse.

Now,I can tolerate the odd skink or gecko inside,but not a lizard this size,so my husband played the wild life warrior and caught it
Unfortunately when it was released outside ,it moved so quickly
(in some areas they are referred to as Racehorse goannas )
that I did not get a full length photo.........beautiful markings!

Again this morning,the birds were giving their alarm calls: he was back up a gum tree and the butcher birds,magpies and willy wag-tails were harassing him to leave "their" territory. Posted by Picasa

A treat from Shay

Some six or seven years ago when I first "met" Shay via a Yahoo CQ group, she gave me a recipe for "spiced Pecans".

A couple of days back I was surprised and delighted to receive a parcel from her containing not only a sampling of her spiced pecans, which had a hint of cloves I think.!

also some "to die for" Christmas cookies , so sweet and short,that I'm amazed they survived international mail handling,and Australian Customs!

and a real treasure: a chicken- scratched apron which belonged to her grandmother (Caroline Taunta Cann) some years back.
The needle woven picots in the central design are superb,and I sincerely thank Shay for giving me such a great gift. Posted by Picasa